About our collections.

Picture books
(ages 0-5)
Our collection of picture books range from classics like Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are to a large selection of Mo Willem's books and everything in between. Picture books are designed for a parent or adult to read to the child and the illustrations are a fun addition. Most of our picture books are for the age 0-5 category, though there are some picture books (often non-fiction or lavishly illustrated) that older readers can also enjoy.

Chapter books
(ages 6-7)
Our chapter books include many different series for new readers, like Ivy & Bean by Annie Barrows and the Magic Tree House by Mary Pope Osborne. Chapter books are somewhere between picture books and middle grade books. While they may contain pictures here and there, the books are designed for children who are just beginning to read for themselves. We even have a selection of shorter books for very early readers, just to get them started.

Middle-grade books
(ages 8-11)
Our middle grade collection include classics like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl as well as modern favorites like the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. These books are for kids who are better readers. At this age, kids try to start reading up, so the age of the protagonists can vary.

Young adult books
(ages 12-18)
Young adult books tend to have a bit more mature story lines, but they can actually be for readers 12 and up. Our young adult collection includes a selection of classics, as well popular fiction.

"There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all."
Books for writers of all ages.
The Rose M. Deniz Collection for Writers and Artists boasts a very interesting range of books about writing and other creative pursuits available for members who may be ready to start exploring their personal vision. These books are for reference use in the Library only.

Parenting books.
We also provide a selection of parenting books. These books are for reference use only in the Library.

Take a book, leave a book.
Browse our extensive selection of gently-used English-Language fiction and non-fiction books for adults and take home what you would like. We are also happy to take some old beloved favorites off your hands if you have any to "pay forward." Although you may browse our Take a Book, Leave a Book collection online prior to your visit, holds are not permitted. First-come, first-served.